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Image Comparison Component

The <image-comparison> component is an interactive element that allows users to compare two images side-by-side using a slider. It's perfect for before-and-after comparisons or any scenario where visual differences between two images need to be highlighted.


To use the <image-comparison> component, ensure you have installed the essential-components package in your project.

npm install essential-components


Import the component in your JavaScript or TypeScript file:

import 'essential-components/src/image-comparison';


After importing, you can use the <image-comparison> component in your HTML or JSX. Place two <img> elements inside the component, using the slot attribute to specify which image is which.

<image-comparison thumb-color="#000">
<img slot="image1" src="./img/japan-2011-after.jpg" alt="Japan after 2011">
<img slot="image2" src="./img/japan-2011-before.jpg" alt="Japan before 2011">


thumb-colorStringThe color of the slider thumb. Use any valid CSS color value.No"#2196F3"


Slot NameDescriptionRequired
image1The first image to be compared (typically the "after" image).Yes
image2The second image to be compared (typically the "before" image).Yes


The component displays two images overlaid on each other. A vertical slider separates the images, allowing users to drag left or right to reveal more of one image or the other. The image1 slot is displayed on the right side of the slider, while image2 is on the left.


The <image-comparison> component comes with built-in styles for the slider functionality. You can further customize its appearance using CSS custom properties or by styling the containing element.

Browser Support

This component should work in all modern browsers that support Custom Elements and Shadow DOM.


Consider the following accessibility implications when using this component:

  • Ensure that both images have meaningful alt text to describe their content.
  • The slider should be operable via keyboard controls (verify this functionality).
  • Consider adding ARIA attributes if necessary to improve screen reader compatibility.


The <image-comparison> component is designed to be lightweight, but be mindful of the image sizes used. Large images may impact load times and smooth slider interactions.

Best Practices

  1. Use images of the same dimensions for the best comparison effect.
  2. Ensure the images are properly aligned to make the comparison meaningful.
  3. Choose a thumb-color that contrasts well with both images for better visibility.