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Emoji Hover Wrapper

The <emoji-hover-wrapper> component is a versatile element that adds an interactive emoji hover effect to any content. It's perfect for adding a touch of playfulness and engagement to your web applications.


To use the <emoji-hover-wrapper> component, first ensure you have installed the essential-components package in your project.

npm install essential-components


Import the component in your JavaScript or TypeScript file:

import 'essential-components/src/emoji-hover-wrapper';


After importing, you can use the <emoji-hover-wrapper> component in your HTML or JSX. Wrap it around any content you want to associate with an emoji. The component takes two main props: icon and tag.

  1. Basic usage with text:

    <emoji-hover-wrapper icon="😊" tag="span">
    Hello, World!
  1. Using with a button:

    <emoji-hover-wrapper icon="👍" tag="button">
    Click me!
  1. Wrapping a paragraph:

    <emoji-hover-wrapper icon="📚" tag="p">
    This is a longer piece of text that demonstrates how the emoji-hover-wrapper
    can be used with block-level elements.


iconStringThe emoji to display on hover. Use the Unicode representation of the emoji.Yes
tagStringThe HTML tag to use for wrapping the content.Yes


When a user hovers over the wrapped content, the specified emoji will appear near the cursor. The emoji follows the cursor movement within the boundaries of the wrapped content.


The <emoji-hover-wrapper> component doesn't apply any default styles to the wrapped content. You can style the content as you normally would, using CSS classes or inline styles.

Browser Support

This component should work in all modern browsers that support Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, and the Canvas API.


When using this component, consider the following accessibility implications:

  • The emoji is purely decorative and doesn't convey essential information.
  • Screen readers will ignore the emoji and only read the wrapped content.
  • Ensure that any interactive elements wrapped by this component are still accessible via keyboard navigation.