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Essential Heading

The <essential-heading> component is a customizable web component designed to create visually striking headings with various styling options. It's perfect for adding emphasis and design flair to your web pages.


To use the <essential-heading> component, first ensure you have installed the essential-components package in your project.

npm install essential-components


Import the component in your JavaScript or TypeScript file:

import 'essential-components/src/essential-heading';

Usage and Examples

After importing, you can use the <essential-heading> component in your HTML or JSX. This component provides multiple attributes to customize the appearance of your headings.

Basic Usage

<essential-heading class="heading-1">
This is heading 1

With Background Image

<essential-heading class="heading-1" bg-img="/img/mountain.avif" style="font-size: 2em; font-weight: 900; line-height: 1.2;">
With background image clipped!

With Border

<essential-heading class="heading-1" show-border="true" border-color="red" fill-color="black">
With border

Gradient Text

This is heading 2


classStringThe CSS class to apply for styling.Yes
css-fileStringPath to an external CSS file for additional styling.No
bg-imgStringThe path to a background image for the heading.No
show-borderBooleanDisplays a border around the heading if set to true.No
border-colorStringThe color of the border. Requires show-border to be true.No
stroke-widthStringThe width of the border stroke. Requires show-border to be true.No
fill-colorStringThe fill color of the heading text when show-border is used.No
typeStringSpecifies the type of heading effect, such as gradient for gradient text.No
gradient-colorStringA semicolon-separated list of colors for gradient text. Requires type="gradient".No


The <essential-heading> component allows you to create styled headings with various effects such as borders, background images, and gradient text. These effects can be customized using the attributes provided.


You can apply additional styles to the <essential-heading> component using CSS classes or by linking an external CSS file through the css-file attribute. The component does not enforce any default styling, allowing full customization.

Browser Support

This component should work in all modern browsers that support Custom Elements and Shadow DOM.


When using this component, consider the following accessibility aspects:

  • Ensure that text remains legible with the applied styles.
  • Ensure proper contrast ratios, especially when using gradient or background images.


The <essential-heading> component is lightweight but be cautious with the use of large background images or complex gradients, as they can affect rendering performance.